This show is actually a daydream of someone stuck in a psychiatric ward, someone who is clinically insane and destined to spend the rest of their life there. The entire narrative is a blend of hallucinations and delusions, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy. Once you realize that what we’re seeing is a figment of the psychiatric patient’s imagination, everything starts to make sense. The erratic, adolescence-like adults running around, doing bizarre and incomprehensible things—it all reflects the chaotic mind of this patient.The theme of abandonment is woven throughout the show because that’s what the patient is grappling with in real life feeling abandoned by the world, left to remain in the psych ward indefinitely. The show captures these intense mood swings, with characters going from crying and deep despair to sudden joy and laughter. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions, reflecting the unstable mental state of the patient who dreams it all up.
The insanity portrayed isn’t a kind of crazy that you can easily understand. It’s true madness, something beyond comprehension, and that’s what makes the show both fascinating and unsettling. But at only ten episodes long, it feels like we were thrown into the deep end of this madness without enough buildup. The craziness is there from the very beginning, and while that’s part of its charm, a bit more development could have made the journey even more impactful.
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