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Doona! korean drama review
10 people found this review helpful
by DP13
Oct 20, 2023
9 of 9 episodes seen
Overall 8.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 9.0
This review may contain spoilers

Don't Watch this if you have read the Webtoon, If Not You are good to go.

As someone who has read the Doona Webtoon I can clearly say this is nowhere near the Original work. The whole freakin story has been changed.

But if you watch this as a independent story this is quite good till the last episode.

The Drama is hugely dependent on Suzy and Yang Sejong who did their part of the job brilliantly. You can just watch this drama solely for their chemistry.

Another good Thing about the drama is the Visuals they left no frame incomplete, every frame was like an artwork.

But if you really want to know about Doona and Won Jun just read the Webtoon it's just on an another level of storytelling and characters just make sense.
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