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Sep 8, 2018

This Series is a big let down if you are looking for Mature Adult Romance W/ Common Sense Characters

Okay so originally I was not sure how to rate this or even feel about the show. As I started watching it because I wanted something that had a more mature feel to the relationships.( I know my mistake this is the wrong drama for that.) But I had just finished Together With Me and wanted something that was just as amazing and real, with like real world couple problems. I looked through quite a few YouTube recommendation videos before finally settling on this series as my next one to watch with those expectations in mind.So with that being said... I legit can't tell if my frustration with this show stems from my high expectations going in? Or my high expectations from the previous drama I watched before.? But this series has really let me down. I am on episode 15 and I am still really unsure of why I am still watching it. Like, I am watching it, but for the most part its cause I'm like... well I wasted all this time and I'm almost done so eehh might as well? Review wise here are some of the problems in this drama. AND THEY ARE NOT SMALL ONES! Sorry Guys :(I am not a fan of the girl Mo(the girl who plays Plern Pleng in Together With Me). She can tell there is something going on with her boyfriend but clearly ignores it. She never stands up for herself when she is tormented by shallow idiots. And the many people who offer out their hands to help her well those she shuts them down every time. It's like she is a glutton for punishment. And with my first point she knows her boyfriend and her have grown apart and yet she is clinging to him ridiculously. Even though it is really easy for us the audience to see she doesn't have feelings anymore for him. It's like she is to scared to do anything but play the victim so she can hold onto things that aren't hers which bothers me. Because when you have the power to stop and change things but don't because you simply don't want to change ever. Well that's just What the Duck?Pree and Rambo Coupling:God I actually hated this for the entire series like the only time I liked them together was their introduction in the first 5min of meeting them when they had just woken up and Pree wanted sex(oh yeah spoiler) But I didn't like it because of the sex. I liked it because it felt natural, like this was the two of them at their most pure natural form of love. Ignoring all of what the world thinks and just being with each other. (It lasts about literally 5min of this drama before they throw that storyline out the window and go for big drama ) It was a great stryline they shoulda kept with it the fact they throw it out and add unneeded drama to this series makes you literally go What the Duck? (its only needed if Pree and Pop end up together, i'll get to this idea later. But if they do that then this makes sense as we need it for Pree.) Otherwise this drama could do with some real pure innocent love between to people.Pent: All I gotta say is this guy was creepy and throwing him in there made me dislike Rambo even more. Like, that he would resort to that just because of his own bad decisions. Pree was asking for some time because he had to come to terms with the bad decisions Rambo had/was making. He didn't mean Rambo should add more bad decisions with this creeper. JeezOkay so now we get to the main couple which for me was the very worst of all.Oat and Pop: Good god this was a mess. Cute mess at times, but god a mess! Oat falls in love with a man despite being straight because Pop reminds him of his mother who died and he wants his mom back...(Great but where I'm from we don't screw our mom's or date them soo...-.-) Pop is this gigantic idiot who is supposed to be feeling confused about having feelings for Oat(which his feelings I seriously think come from the sheer amount of time Oat just forgoes listening to Pop ramble on and on about personal space. And instead constantly forces himself closer and closer to Pop making Pop confused about his true desires and sexuality.) (IMO if you think you can be with a guy and its crossing your mind but you get it up from girls you Bi baby not Gay but meh anything to get Pop with Pree hehehe >.<) I really think these two are better off as friends. Pop is actually shown as full on attracted to women a few times in this and when Oat does something he generally shrugs it off with indifference(not full blown heart thumping out of my chest, cant eat cant sleep love/attraction). The only time he starts to show feelings is way later on in the series where he is flashing back fondly to all the times Oat invades his space and forces himself close to Pop. That's not love that's called stolckhome syndrome. Also side note that has nothing to do with anything, but just my observation. The guy who plays Oat is not good looking at all. IMO.But for me the best thing so far I can find in this drama is...Pree: I think his character (despite lots of other lousy acting by the rest of the characters) in comparison is just so well done. I think he does a few minor stupid things(what human doesn't). But I think in general his character had the most growth, the most self realization, and the most caring side for those around him. I mean imagine being in love with someone for 5yrs and just letting them go because you can't stand hurting someone else( I think I too selfish for this... >.<) Imagine blindly trusting someone because they asked you to, even though you feel vulnerable and unsafe in doing it. Imagine standing up to people who are scared of your very existence being contagious or filthy and showing them that you're okay with being you despite their backwards vulgar thinking. Pree has a deep forgiveness towards those who hurt him. And even though he has outbursts here and there and makes small mistakes. He recovers and does something to fix it(Like all us living beings outside dramas do... Rather than letting them fester and then lying about them. I'm looking at you Rambo). Pree's character is so endearing!I especially love the Pop and Pree interactions. They made me so happy*squeal* If Pop were to fall in love with a man and become Bi/Gay I hope it is with Pree. The two of them are like soulmates. They both listened to each other and talked to each other with their problems in life(when Pop talks about wanting something more and to become a steward and take the exam again)(When Pree selflessly gives and offers anything Pop needs without question or complaint.) When Pree is hurting and needs someone Pop is ready to listen and offer his very best advice he can even if its like a 5yr olds advice). They really leaned on each other immediately when they needed help they felt like they couldn't find anywhere else. In drama land and true life we call these best friends/soulmates they hard to find so grab them when they come! in this drama these two really were true friends. Not the mess of whatever odd mother lusting Oat had for Pop and possessive stalked victim love Pop had for Oat.And despite Pree being Mo's brother( which isn't his fault yo you can't choose who you love or who you related to so calm down guys), I really think Pree and Pop are the best combo out of this thing and that no one should fault Pree for loving Pop when he did it first and his sister really doesn't anymore anyway. (I half think she hasn't for a long while, like I said her character clearly hates change and just letting go in general because self esteem issues. She def doesn't love Pop tho or why say the demeaning gross things she did when she was drunk?). I think Pree and Pop ground each other and make each other better people. I really hope they keep this storyline as an open option for season two or i'm out. lolIn Conclusion My suggestions for Season 2:I think Oat should stay brothers with Pop and realize Pop's mom can be enough of a mother for him that he doesn't need to suffocate and smother Pop in a desire to imprint and get a new mother. I think Mo should get a backbone before she dates anyone else or it will end up the same mess it has right now, she needs to love herself first. I think Rambo needs a few hundred smacks up the head and a trip to the desert so he can find himself without his fathers approval hopefully offscreen and with no parts in the second season thank you. (Also side note to those who say Rambo cheated, he didn't they were broken up, its called a break for a reason, as in you are not seeing each other anymore. -.- But honestly his sleazy dumb move was waiting such a short time for Pree before he decided to be a walking horn dog of bad decisions. so I really can't like him either way. But did he cheat... no, was what he did right... HELL TO THE N>O! Especially not if as he said before he "loved" and was ready to marry Pree. If he was, truely that wouldn't have happened.)Pent should go to jail for his drugs, drinking and screwing around with minors when he has graduated Uni and shouldn't be touching babies. creepo. I think all the idiots stewardess who were used for petty conflict to fill up drama episodes can go to jail and hell, they were useless in here anyway. Their roles were literally to fill the bitchy side girl narrative in this drama so it doesn't come off as too much gay. So we don't need them in fact they can bring back the funny adorable chacrters they removed for probably that very reason. Like why remove Jae he was fabulous, or the cook and loader who acted more feminine gay? What did they say heck we got 6guys liking other guys is this to much? Better tone it down quick get rid of the few guys who act too flamboyant we need macho and confused gay not soft strong in who they already are gays we need conflict!) Poor Nick needs to find himself someone who can care about more than their own image(Mo and Beauty) for more than a minute and love him as honestly as he will love them. And devote a good part of air time to this he was a teddy bear. And best of all I think Pree and Pop should live happily ever after sweetly loving each other as smart equals who push each other to be better people and strive after their dreams and their desires together. If I don't get this in season two for at least 10episodes Imma be angry, sad and probably stop watching hmmpph! (omg look I do a great Mo, Oat, and Beauty impression!)Honestly unless your up for nonsensical dramaness(like really cute moments that really don't seem to fit in with the characters personalities, someone shoving their filthy armpits into your face on a bus so you can turn and gag then sniff someone else who is sweating(eeww and random I know)... or you know maybe you just wanna listen to the characters tell a story about a guy nailing a duck or whatever right 0.o)This drama, it has weird cross-references to adoring and falling for someone because they force stalk you into being in love with them and they also make it seem like its the most believable thing to fall in love with someone simply because they remind you of your mommy. Like eeewww who wants to date their Mother? I get that you want to feel comforted and loved. That's totally normal and okay. But the moment you're naked with a guy and they are touching you and you flash back to your mom, yeah you need help dude?. I can safely say if that ain't what your craving... well you can probably skip this drama and not be missing out on anything. However I strongly suggest you find a Pree compilation on YouTube so you can see Mew its worth it!And OMG this got long... Guess I had a ton to say. Hehehehe… Also FYI SPOILERS GUYS! as if it wasn't apparent lol. >.< sowwy!Comment Oh My Duck if you got to the bottom of this and smiled at least once while reading.

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