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Tapestry japanese drama review
18 people found this review helpful
by ichihachi
Feb 7, 2021
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.5

More than a love story

This was a rollercoaster of a ride!

This film had a similar tone to Kimi No Na Wa minus the scifi element. The film's pacing started real fast but gradually became consistent and took its time building and developing the characters.

I loved the film for exploring each characters life journeys. It did not hesitate to show realistic obstacles of children and adults within society. The raw emotions and music played a huge role in bringing a strong, lasting impact on the story. I also appreciated when the film gives a clear backstory and glimpses between the characters.

The chemistry was clearly present between both Komatsu and Suda's performance. The supporting cast nailed their roles and left some strong, lasting moments.

I was surprised the casting director managed to find a child actress resembling Komatsu-san (or it could be make-up).

The story could be rather depressing due to it taking an authentic approach and long duration, which affected my rewatch value. Despite that, I still found the film to be quite inspiring and informative.

If you are interested in a film which explores the themes of self-discovery and gradual slow romantic build up, then I would recommend this film.
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