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Under the Skin chinese drama review
Under the Skin
0 people found this review helpful
by Wu Yinglin
Dec 31, 2023
20 of 20 episodes seen
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Thrills, Chills, and Forensic Genius: 'Under the Skin'

I really enjoyed this drama! And I think it's definetly a gem amound Chinese crime dramas and also the start of my mini obsession with Tan JianCi lol. The aspect that makes this stand out the most is the way they solve the cases, using forsenic science. The focus on forensic portrait drawing is so well done, and really exciting. In a way to see how ShenYi will solve the next case is always so fun and exhilarating. The drama consists of multiple cases with no filler episodes all leading to the overaching case which involes both leads ShenYi and DuCheng. The other side character are also pretty memorable within the drama. At times, ShenYi seems like an absolute god that can solve anything lol and the music fits really well with converying and influencing emotions. I also think that ShenYi is kinda hawt lol. This drama does contain various triggering topics so be warmed before watching this, I think it's funny how this kind of thing scared me but I still wait it. I rate this a solid 9/10.
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