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Chloe Kaydee

New Zealand

Chloe Kaydee

New Zealand
Run On korean drama review
Run On
1 people found this review helpful
by Chloe Kaydee
Sep 28, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Better Than I Expected

Okay so I wasn't expecting A LOT but I had been putting off watching this drama for a while. Mainly because it didn't look as complex/intense as how I usually like my dramas. And it's not. But it was soooo good.

I'm no way implying the story was simple or lackluster. The plot was well formed and well executed. It kept me engaged and I didn't feel bored at all while watching - I don't think I even skipped a scene! The plot and the diverse characters was refreshing to experience. There was nothing unnecessary and I loved the messages this story tells. There was also quite a bit of development within friendships and dynamics that I really appreciated and loved. It's hard to really say my thoughts on the story and such without spoiling it but I hope y'all get the idea.

I think the cast did a great job with their acting performances and everyone had great chemistry. Personally, I loved the second couple - and their chemistry - more but the main coupling was also great to see develop. Since I know a lot of people are probably wanting to know about the kisses before watching, I'll say that I've 100% seen better and there aren't many but I hardly noticed because the chemistry between the couples were great nonetheless. I didn't feel like I needed to see them kiss a lot or anything. I would say this show focuses more on character development and plot rather than fan service, which I liked.
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