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rachell 3210

That’s Rough Buddy

rachell 3210

That’s Rough Buddy
Nirvana in Fire chinese drama review
Nirvana in Fire
5 people found this review helpful
by rachell 3210 Flower Award1
Aug 24, 2020
54 of 54 episodes seen
Completed 9
Overall 10
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 10.0
This review may contain spoilers

A Golden Treat in a Michelin Star Restaurant

I'm gonna keep my review short and simple and spoiler free. This was hard for me to write so beware of my cringey and ridiculous review.

Nirvana in Fire is truly one of a kind. How can I describe my journey of this show? It's like going to a Michelin Star restaurant. I was tired of the same old food I'm eating and I craved for something new. Something exquisite and something unique for my taste buds to explore. A different kind of cuisine I've always wanted to scout. Everyone kept talking about this place that I must check out and my curiosity level went up. Why did everyone love this restaurant? Did they add any secret formula like the Krabby Patty? I read reviews of it and one day, I finally said, *fuck it* let's give this a shot. I went in without any expectations, ordered their 3 course meal and I got blown away. I thought I was not gonna like it, I took my first bite, it was different, then I took a few more bites and I had flavours exploding in my mouth that I had to slowly indulged and savoured every bite I took. Finally, I finished it off with a glass of wine that showed a bittersweet ending. What a ride.

I'll be honest, it was hard for me to get into the show at first. The first episode I already got introduced to so many characters that I don't even know which character I should pay attention to. The directing was different, they talked more than they showed and I was not used to it. Since this show was political, which I'd never tried watched it before because I never liked political shows, of course I got confused XD. Therefore, I would like to thank the character guides and recaps for helping me to understand what was going on in the story.

The plot was complex and intriguing. I wanted to see more about the revenge but I couldn't binge it in one go. Instead, I slowly took my time to watch. After every episode, I read recaps to see what I'd missed out. This show must be watched in detail, if you missed one small detail, you would not understand a damn thing. This show is not your typical kind of revenge story. It's more than that. I don't know how I can describe it in words, but when you watch it, you'll understand why. I won't spoil so much of the plot. Surprise yourself.

Now, for the characters. I'll just write on 2 of my favourite characters there. I'll start off with the lead protagonist, Mei Chang Su. He is a very intelligent strategist and he shows who's boss. He is the type who comes here for business. His main goal is to fulfill his duty and to clear his family's name. He's admirable and he never lets his weakness get the better of him. He knows what's he capable of and plans everything ahead. Be like Chang Su and don't do your work last minute. Don't even dare to mess with him. He'll eventually bite you in the end. Prince Jing is my other favourite. He's a fine man indeed. He's brave and bold. He stays true to himself and will do anything to protect his loved ones. A great character who has proven himself to be a great leader. We need more people like him.

The ending exceeded my expectations. I cried a lot for this bittersweet ending. It's probably the ending I never thought it could work. In the end, it did.

Do I recommend people to watch the show? Of course. Don't watch alone, watch it with your loved ones. Discuss the theories together. Just wear your best pajamas, grab a glass of wine and your favourite snack, perhaps some tangerines? Prepare some tissues and enjoy the ride because it's gonna drive you crazy. Goodnight.

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