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Mar 20, 2022
1 of 1 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 9.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0
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Amazing Continuation, Slight Mood change

One thing I noticed with this season is the mood change.

While it still has plenty of jokes and quirky humor, it's definitely toned down to make way for more emotional story lines (Even if those do have humor in them Aswell). The main lead is still amazing and gives the show so much life, along with the amazing opening theme. (Although I found their new fits weird, anyone else?)

I think the only story line I wasn't really into was the girl/boy one (unironically). Mostly because I feel like compared to the other storylines it lacked a lot of cohesion, but otherwise the story was still very funny and well-made.

I'm glad they've confirmed season 3, it's going to be great to watch, and hopefully they don't split them up at the beginning of the season, it feels slightly like a cop out. That was prob my only other issue is that rather than adding story beats across the entire season, they opted to give us a little story in the beginning, and then nothing until last episode.

If I have one hope for next season, is that they keep them in a relationship, but also try and use the protagonist skill to identify classic BL tropes to his advantage in his relationship, I think that's a very cool concept.

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Ongoing 3/10
Moshimo, Ikemen Dake no Koukou ga Attara
1 people found this review helpful
Feb 17, 2022
3 of 10 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 5.0
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
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Not a BL, But story is quite bland.

As mentioned, this show seemingly isn't a BL, which is totally fine but the show feels... empty.

Basically, a lot of the characters and pretty boys and we deal with the main character who is "average". The plot is ok but it's pretty bland and a lot of the situations feel quite forced. This show feels like it was made to simply show off hot guys and then give these "deep" messages about how looks don't mean everything..... while being a show about hot guys.. I don't think i've ever said this as a gay person, but this show would really be better if it had bl aspects added to it. Atleast that would give it some sort of purpose outside of it's quite bland plot.

In 3 episodes I honestly don't care about anyone except the MC. He is quite charming and anything funny or emotional mostly comes out him, but he really isn't enough to call this a good show. The side characters are forgettable, especially the pretty boys. The jokes and emotional beats rarely hit, it seems to be an episode/situation type show where each episode will revolve around a different guy, which is... okay. I'm not going to hate on this type of format, cause it can work, but the way they've presented the plot and the morale direction of the story, it's questionable at best.

If your interested in attractive guys, This show is for you, good story telling? at the moment, probably not.

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