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Heather's Candy Store


Heather's Candy Store
Limited Edition philippines drama review
Ongoing 6/9
Limited Edition
0 people found this review helpful
by Bell
Dec 27, 2021
6 of 9 episodes seen
Overall 5.5
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
This review may contain spoilers

Science Ain't Sciencing #NoChem

The series is okay: its storyline is so-so; the script is inconsistent, there are times that I like their lines, sometimes I cringed with their nonsense throws; and, the acting is acceptable.

Each episode is filled with unnecessary fillers! Take for example: on episode one when gay trio entered and bullied other guests; the whole plot can move forward without them. They're not even funny. Lousy, repetitive, uninspiring, trite, insensitive jokes. Also, they really took 2 minutes of the show, and for what?

Let's talk about the characters:

Mario is an idealistic guy with victim complex. I don't understand where he gets the energy to blame it all to Jethro. Yes, sure, it's his past. But I get irritated with this type of character. I hate how shallow he is. (And don't start me with his 2-minute shower scene—another filler moment). Though, acting-wise, this guy's 8/10.

His love interest, called Jethro, a guy from New York with typical privileged ass and narcissistic tendencies. So, he thinks he did something. I cannot blame Mario for holding back when this guy was rude on their first meeting plus he's a blockhead for coming late on their first date—which is actually rescheduled since he's not available during the original schedule. Wtf. His acting reminds me of Sarawat (pls I forgot his real name) from 2gether, stiff and mediocre.

Perfect couple, I guess. I mean, sure both of them have flaws and all, but it was too much. And please, let's not lie ourselves...they don't have chemistry.

Meanwhile, the best friend, Chona (Donna Cariaga), has an ugly posture from carrying the whole show with her own back. Let's be honest, she's a scene stealer. There are times when I don't mind the romance between the main couple, I just want to hear her talk and watch her act. Her lines and acting is on-point, all out.

Additionally, Arnold (Ron Angeles), the G app boy, is such an eye candy. I love watching him. He's got talent in acting and he's got the looks, not gonna lie. At first, I thought, another handsome starlet with zero acting talent. But then, he proves me wrong. I want to see more projects from him. I hope, he'll get leading roles soon.

(Not gonna lie, Mario and Arnold would make a great couple. They have chemistry. Please. Their turo-turo date is cute while the ugly ass table cloth from The Manhattan could never.)

If this series will remove all the fillers, have Chona talk more, and pair Mario and Arnold instead...then it would be a top tier one. Don't get me wrong, Jethro guy was fine, it's just that he's stiff and lacks of eye contact plus inconsistent characterization makes it fail.

All in all, it was fine. At least, not the same bullshit as PILIkula of ABS-CBN. That show made me want to talk to a therapist.
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