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Above Sea Level


Above Sea Level
Ingredients thai drama review
4 people found this review helpful
by BadPenny
Aug 11, 2021
21 of 21 episodes seen
Overall 9.5
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10.0
This review may contain spoilers

A Genuine Surprise!

For the most part, the acting was superb. I was not expecting much. Not with the format and episode length and it being the small studio production that it was. But the actors acted the hell out of those roles and the production was styled to make the most of resources in an artful way.

The storyline was sweet and slightly uncomfortable in the way growing up is at times. Genuinely bittersweet but hopeful at the end. I really enjoyed the story.

The very limited set was utilized in a masterful with believable and minimalist, almost stylize redressing. The light and limited color palette throughout the drama unified everything in a homogeneous visual language where the actors, the food, and the guitar were the pop color in any scene. Very clever use of what I assume was a small budget. It made the show almost feel like a theater production. Which was super cool.

The plot was engaging enough to keep me rushing forward to watch the next episode but light enough to watch on a break. And it was easy to love the characters. The straight forward moments of tension were well done and placed to guide the pace efficiently without being heavyhanded. And the nod to it being early COVID era was a nice touch.

All in all it was a fun experience, if definitely in the guilty pleasure category. The ending was what it needed to be, realistic but hopeful. And it was a nice touch that despite their love, they didn't give up on their dreams in order to stay beside each other. This was a perfect choice. Anything else would have undermined the journey of their final year in school.

I was left definitely wanting to see a sequel. And more of the actors, writer and director of this work. Well done, everyone! This one makes my top 15 list.

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