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Don't Sleep My Hero thai drama review
Dropped 2/20
Don't Sleep My Hero
0 people found this review helpful
by 8392225
Sep 26, 2021
2 of 20 episodes seen
Overall 5.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
Pancake is perhaps tad old and tad gaunt to be convincing as an undercover agent chopping each bad guy with one arm.

As for Hunz Ysariy, I'm sorry, but I find 48-year old Big Sarut still more an eye candy, than him (or than "Dream" Kandanai). On the other hand, he makes rather convincing blonde woman, which only proves he is not an attractive MAN.

As for the plot, we have, er... amnesia? Shouldn't it be like banned by now? LOL. Or, shouldn't the writers WANT to write something else, by now?

But, never mind all that... I started zoning out during 2nd episode already. I am dropping this for the complete lack of INTEREST, not for bad cinematography, ..., etc.
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