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Favorite Korean Actors
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My current favourite K-dramas
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Unforgettable costume-era drama-list this is a list of must-watch/ binge-worthy historical C-dramas. Some of these are wuxia related and some are simply palace dramas. All with…
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Favorite Asian Actress
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Favorite Chinese And Taiwanese Actors
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Enjoyable Modern C-dramas Simple and uncomplicated plots with a hint of comedy. You will not regret watching these at-least once. You can surely skip the boring parts.…
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Super Cheesy All of the Romance-themed C-dramas are mostly cheesy but these titles are on another level. They even have great OSTs and seem to be too good…
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Unforgettable C-Dramas Diverse story lines, watch these if you want to experience a roller coaster of emotions, you will find funny, heart-warming and sad scenes,…
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Top Notch Thrillers