Fantastyczne wykonanie
Naprawdę nie mogłam przestać zachwycać się tym jak wyglądały te potwory. Ich animacja, to jak bardzo realnie wyglądały przy aktorach -twórcy naprawdę się postarali.Ten film był pierwszą chińską produkcją, którą obejrzałam i muszę przyznać, że jestem pozytywnie zaskoczona. Sama fabuła mnie nie powaliła, ale podobało mi się aktorstwo, to ile fantastyki w tym było, jak magicznie wyglądał ten świat. Sama relacja głównych bohaterów mnie zauroczyła. Chociaż jedna z kobiet troszkę mnie irytowała, ale nie wpłynęło to na mój odbiór całości. Wątek miłosny był czymś ledwie wplecionym w fabułę, co wyjątkowo również uważam za plus. Główna linia fabukarna nie została przez to potraktowana po macoszemu.
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I love it but I'm disappointed too
This story was interesting, but not since beginning. Black was annoying character, after 8th episode I finally loved him. Mystery was complicated, I had no idea what can happen in next episode. A lot of secrets from past were important. Main female character saw shadows, which were dooms. She could predict someone's death and wanted help them. But because of this she was in danger. At first, Black used her, he was looking for someone and only she could help him. But a lot of things were complicated and they wanted answers. She wanted to know who killed her father.Acting in this drama was good. I like actors and how they were working.
But I was disappointed because of ending... This is a reason why I don't want to watch it again.
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Not big fun
I'm not big fun of this movie. I think charakters are without special personality, but in the same time story was cute. It was a little bit boring at the beginning, but after half it starts be interesting. I mean maybe I didn't understand the main male character at the first moment, but still... I'm not fun of this acting. Main female character was a little bit annoying. She has a difficult live, i understand it, but I have no idea why sh was acting like this. I'm giving 5 stars because I like this ending, views and supporting characters. And honestly I don't get it, falling in love with man who is mean and undecided. In he first time I didn't see that he is in love with her. Maybe a little bit.This movie was just fine, I think I'll forget about i really quick.
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