Yet another body swap tale, though this time told in a slighly darker form.
The popular body swap genre has been around for over a well over a century. From F. Asley's Vice Vera to Freaky Friday, it's essentially the same rehashed tale of individuals who switch places, live each other's lives, gain a better understanding for each other before they switch back and all is good again.Though the story has been done many times before, Switched to it's credit brings something new to the genre by creating a much darker and more dramatic storyline based around depression, loneliness, envy and bullying. An while the darker plot-line is effective, it's also full of silly plot holes and slightly dumb characters. When the male leads discover the female leads have switched bodies, the reaction is not of shock and astonishment but instant acceptance.
The acting was a bit mixed, the two male leads were at best pretty average but excellent performances from the two female leads essentially carried the show along.
For me there were moments I liked it and at points the story was quite emotional, but in equal amounts it was pretty silly and tedious. It's ok as a live action drama but probably would have worked far better as an anime.
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