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rawend ben aribi


rawend ben aribi

Secret Queen Makers korean drama review
Secret Queen Makers
0 people found this review helpful
by rawend ben aribi
Jan 1, 2022
7 of 7 episodes seen
Overall 7.0
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 7.5
This review may contain spoilers

wanna watch a kdrama ? don't have time this is the best kdrama for you

I loved the concept of this drama; that we all are beautiful, we just need to find the beauty inside us. one thing that I didn't like was how they put across the message that we need to use makeup to reveal our beauty. that's not true, makeup is just another way of making a mask to cover ourselves- but that's just my opinion-.
Yet, despite all that the drama is really well made. Even though every episode is just a few short minutes, they managed to peak my interest and developed the story quite well. The acting was also incredible for sure. Go Kwon Hee manages to take control of the show magnificently through her acting every time I see her. I loved eccentric acting here as well.
overall, this drama was short but send out a beautiful message on loving ourselves. so if you have a little free time on your hands but still want to watch a drama, I'd say this k-drama is a good option but don't expect a lot.
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