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Little Women korean drama review
Ongoing 2/12
Little Women
11 people found this review helpful
by CarmenRockbell
Sep 7, 2022
2 of 12 episodes seen
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

Feels like American shows

It starts like a cliche K-dramas where there is a poor Korean family where girls will meet rich guys and fall in love and happy endings. I do not believe there will be a happy ending. This show includes realistic people in the universe they created. There is no good people. Even our characters have their own selfishness and mistakes. I watched without close my eyes and could not guess any of the events occurring. It has high tension, awakens high level of curiosity and make you disgust of rich community. Sorry for the romance seekers, this show is kind of offering massacre. I would recommend to people who enjoyed:
- Sky Castle
- Penthouse series
- Parasite Movie

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