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  • Location: India
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  • Join Date: October 11, 2021

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Underdog dramas you loved
31 titles 46 voters 1 love





Hello everyone! 

I never thought I would one day become so obsessed with watching dramas just as much obsessed i am with my novels. i especially love c-dramas, there's no one i know irl who enjoys C-dramas more than K-dramas. I love watching costume dramas because of the beautiful imagery and clothes, i LOVE them. it may also be the reason why I love c-dramas more than k-dramas because they have a variety of costume dramas with so many having different attires. But when it comes to modern dramas, yes k-dramas do have their own charm hehe.

If you wish to check out my list, i only watch dramas that have a romance angle in them, if it doesn't have romance or a coupling, it is difficult for me to watch them.  Also, my rating depends purely upon how much i enjoyed the drama, for me a watertight plot is not the main requirement, it can be a simple story with glaring plot holes but if it made me come back for more, if i binged it one go, if i really enjoyed the overall story, if i loved the leads' chemistry-- it is going to be rated high


181d 21h 17m
5,449 episodes, 270 shows
9h 6m
5 movies

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