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Destined with You korean drama review
Destined with You
5 people found this review helpful
by Silver
Oct 16, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 13
Overall 7.5
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
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Better read the reviews first and then decide for yourself

In my opinion this was a nice story that actually had a lot of potential but was kind of done wrong by the writer/director.

I really enjoyed the acting, the cast was nice, especially the leads Jo Bo AH, Rowoon and Ha Joon.
I must say their scenes together were so funny and I'm actually glad I got to "meet" FL and 2ML for the first time in this drama (I will make sure to check their other projects as well). As per Rowoon, I wasn't expecting him to pull off such funny scenes. He was something else. And let's not mention his visuals... <3 I heard he lost some pounds in purpose to fit the character's description and that's to be appreciated actually.

Jo Bo Ah on the other hand seems like a more experienced actress to me and I think she can be greater than this, given a proper script. She can do wonders with her eyes only and oh ma gawd Bo Ah in dark long hair is so so pretty and attractive.

Ha Joon...Ha Joon.. Ha Joon! I'm invested in this guy now. :p So handsome and I think his character turned out great because of him. So funny, yet so manly and responsible/helpful towards the leads although he wanted Hong Jo to like him instead. And that stirr he caused in the City Hall for exposing the Major... just what I expected from such a man :p

But back to the drama :p
I would've preferred they got into more depth with the characters' back stories. Given all the dramas I've watched, the ones with detailed back stories are the ones I like the most. There was this scene Hong Jo holds her father's death anniversary where Shin Yu accompanies her and they get to share some vulnerable moments that I really liked. She had no family, lived alone, ate alone, had no friends whatsoever. They could've at least had Shin Yu move in with her. But no... instead they made us wait 5 decades for a kiss or so. And those romantic moments weren't always a hit for me. Even Mr. Kong and Ms. Ma shared a kiss or got intimate with each other faster than the leads :p

I liked how all three leads got to somehow improve themselves. how their story together changed all three of them (do not ask me to consider Yoon Na Yeon a lead. Just don't!)

So yeah, all in all I say it needed a better script/directing with the repetitive lines, the depth of the characters, the development of the backstories, the conjunction of the horror/romantic elements. Can't say I plan on rewatching it. Not soon at least.
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