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chronic traveller
Utsukushii Kare Season 2 japanese drama review
Utsukushii Kare Season 2
2 people found this review helpful
by AbsoluteBL
Mar 4, 2023
4 of 4 episodes seen
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10.0

kink components, established relationship, cohabitation, miscommunication, celebrity romance

These two have such a great DS dynamic. Only Hira would apologize for banging and wanting to bang his own bf, but do it anyway. Talk about a service top with a humiliation fetish. Sheesh. The masochism is strong with this one. (Since I do not deal with humiliation fetishists well, the cringe factor got to me a little.) Still, pouty jealous Kiyoi is the cutest. [One flaw: The photographer dude should have been played by Kenta. Just a little joke.]

All in all, this second season didn’t blow me away the way the first season did, it was quieter and more uniform in its narrative and messaging - thus more predictable.

The basic relationship misunderstanding remained the same as Season 1 - all about value and self worth and how that’s assessed. The result is a performance that is a dialogue between imposter syndrome and a parasocial relationship. If these two only had the language and framework of BDSM to understand each other than they would, but they don’t so the story is us watching them suffer for it. But that’s part of the fun. Part of their fun too, I think, as if the fighting and misunderstanding is just another one of their many kinks.

An engaging and solid second installment, that was so consistent, I’m ended up keeping the rating consistent too.
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