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Ah Nil

Los Angeles

Ah Nil

Los Angeles
Curtain Call korean drama review
Curtain Call
1 people found this review helpful
by Ah Nil
Jan 12, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Overall 10
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
This review may contain spoilers

A great drama without too much hot sauce.

If you are into dramas that are emotional, lots of backstabbing and in essence "hot sauce" then this drama is not for you.

I simply loved this drama because it was about love & longing. Every drama has to have some controversy to make it interesting and in this case the sale of the hotel was not controversial enough. The family members had their reasons and that was good enough. In my opinion the message of the drama was about "love" between the players and each player to realize "what do I truly want".

I was impressed that all behaved themselves and loved their grandmother. I gave it a 10 because I am tired of same old contrived situational dramas between a good and a bad guy. In this drama there was no BAD person..

I define a hero or heroes who transformed and in this drama, all players transformed in one way or another. Thus they were all heroes. The narrative at the end said it all to me. I quote here because I want to preserve the narrative for my own records:
"As grandmother, who had lived fiercely with her lifelong longing and love, left on a very faraway picnic, the curtains fell. The people in the audience departed in search of their own happiness with the memories of the performance. This was because they had an audience for whom they wanted to take of the masks of their roles and face with their true faces."

Very profound!!

My interpretation of the above: "We all live our lives as a hero in our own drama/life with our longing, desires and wishes until the end of our lives. Our family members (mostly) are the witness/audience of that life and at the end of that life, they shall move on to look for their own happiness with the lessons learned from the departed one. ". If I am the one for whom they are willing to be authentic and take off their "masks" then perhaps I have lived a good life.

I thank the author for writing such a loving drama and the actors for their brilliant performance
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