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Her Private Life korean drama review
Her Private Life
3 people found this review helpful
by Brookie Kenney
Oct 21, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers

The Chemistry!

So much chemistry!
This was Park Min Young's first project after starring in What's Wrong With Secretary Kim. At the time people were still talking about the "chemistry " in that drama. (To such an extent dating rumours began to circulate.) WWWSK honestly left me underwhelmed. The leads felt mismatched and forced. I didn't get the hype. I didn't see the love or romance.
But this one!! Her Private Life! This is what everyone should have been talking about!
This is probably my favourite performance from both Park Min Young and Kim Jae Wook.

I will be honest, this was a little problematic in the first few episodes. Showing grown woman fangirling was refreshing. You have no complaints from me there. But there is "liking and supporting" a celebrity, and then there is a possessive, stalking, life wasting obsession. This show, unfortunately, tried to normalise the latter. (e. g. The fans reaction to the dating rumour.)
This was disappointing and a poor contribution to an already toxic situation.
But once you get past that it is a good story that is worth the watch. Family drama, childhood trauma, second leads, lots of sparks and fireworks. Everything that makes a good K-drama.

It got quite slow at the end. A lot of unnecessary staring and long empty scenes that didn't move the story along.
The childhood connection was completely unnecessary. It felt forced and didn't add to the story at all. They could have left this out and you wouldn't have even noticed anything missing.
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