Hello everyone.
I mostly don't like to self advertise but I need some participants to take part in my Master's Research Project.
I study Applied Clinical Psychology at Master's level, and to pass my MSc degree I need to complete a research study.
My chosen topic is "Investigating the effects of unfinished business with a dead loved one on mental health"
If anyone's interested, please DM me and I can share some more information and the study link. But if you're not comfortable DMing me for the link, I will also post it on my bio/profile.
The only requirement for participation is to be over the age of 18.
The study is done through an online survey, which means if you do choose to participate, your answers will be 100% anonymous. The most personal questions asked is your age and gender, nothing else.
I will kindly appreciate any help I can get.
Thank you .
The link to the study is: https://uclan.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8CgvDd7lMqpTGTQ