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What's Up?
14 people found this review helpful
May 1, 2013
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.0
This how I would summarize What's up : music, human beings, feelings. In some way, these words are quite the same. A smile comes to my face when I remember the time I spent watching this drama.

What's up is one of this drama that makes me think : "So, I remember now why I keep losing myself in dramaland".
This is not funny, nor this is sad. It's a little bit of everything. It's just about life, and people who struggles to find themselves. This is about learning how to live with each others, how to use your passion to overcome your fears.

I especially cherish this drama, because it made me discover an artist that I now really appreciate, Kang Daesung. Unlike most of the people, I didn't know him before, and it honestly was a huge shock when I heard his voice during the first episode, singing "This is the moment". It made me thirsty for more.
Jo Jung Suk also impressed me a lot. His voice is awesome, and his acting is no joke.

The story and the characters are the strenghts of this drama. For my part, I liked every one of them. They all touched me in different ways. Nobody's completely nice, nor totally bad. They're young adults, and I loved them through this story.
If you're looking for something different, this is for you. Don't give up this drama. Maybe you'll end up loving it like me.

Excuse my english, and don't hesitate anymore : What's up is good. Very good.

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Dating Agency: Cyrano
12 people found this review helpful
Jul 18, 2013
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
Now that I finished it, I can say this drama is like one of this book we read on the beach during the summer. It's not complicated, the storyline is quite obvious, the style is not perfect, but it makes you smile, time flies while you're watching, it's heartwarming. It has the taste of holidays.

I got a little frightened at the end because of a weird "dramatic" turn, but the drama was able to keep its gentleness. Sooyoung, as Gong Min Young, without being outstanding, plays her role well, displaying a refreshing ingenuity. Her acting seems to get better as the episodes are running. She never annoyed me, and I ended up liking her character. Lee Jong Hyuk had no problem to fit his character. The supporting cast was convincing. As for Lee Chun Hee, he gave a decent picture of Master, even if I couldn't help but laughing when he was playing the gangster. Chunderella is still haunting him.

Love is the real main character, don't watch it if you really can't stand sweet stories right now. Without being too cheesy, Cyrano won't fail to make you smile and cheer for the different relationships. Personnally, I loved watching the story between MooJin and HyeRi.

(Special mention to Lee Gwang Soo, he was so cute as the lovesick cook)

Don't start this drama with high expectations, and you'll enjoy it. It's summer, you wanna spend a good time, you don't want long episodes and unbearable cliffhangers, you don't hate love and you wanna smeeeell holidays : Dating Agency Cyrano is perfect for you. Feel free and enjoy, here is your summer coktail, toes in the sand. When you'll reach the end, you'll just feel good.

Excuse my english in this review, and have a nice watch !

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Queen In Hyun's Man
3 people found this review helpful
Jan 5, 2013
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
When I finished this show, I was desperate. « Here it comes... Drama slumps... » How could anything be better than Queen In Hyun's Man ? Of course, I'm probably exaggerating, but still... This drama has this little thing. You know ? This little thing, this magical thing that changes everything.

Firstly, the story line. Now, after rewatching it, I can say, there are a few flaws. But I really enjoyed the way they used time-travel. The idea of the talisman was pretty much original and, surprinsgly, quite believable. I also liked the fact that the past could influence the future. Twists were enjoyable, unexpected, and made me tremble.

But honestly, the key point of this drama is definitely the romance. Waaw... AWESOME. Such a chemistry, my little heart couldn't handle it. I fell for it. Completely. From the beginning to the end. It made me cry, smile from ear to ear. Oh yeah, I smiled so much. You see, for once in awhile, everything is simple. That was sooo great ! She loves him. He loves her. No exasperating dilemmas, nor endless tears. Surely, I love Korean Dramas, but I get sick sometimes of all the... well, all the drama. Queen In Hyun's Man... The romance is just adorable. And the kisses, oh my queen, best kisses ever. Believe me, you'll fall completely for the story of this two beautiful souls that not even the gap of time could separate.

And did you know ? The actors are actually dating in real life. I usually really hate all the gossip around a drama, but here, it just made me melt.

The actors, then. I have a crush on Yoo In Na. For the first time, I prefer the girl. She's amazingly beautiful, and makes her character extremely lovable. But I also loved Ji Hyun Woo as Kim Boong Do. The perfect man. Totally. Handsome, smart, funny in his own way, everything, everything is perfect about him. They are great actors, I truly think they are. And keep an eye on Yoo In Na.

The others characters, even so I didn't talk much about them, are also very good. I especially liked the "rival", Kim Jin woo as Hang Dong Min. He was funny, and he managed the feat to never be really annoying. I give him a total ten. The manager was a great character as well. Funny, caring and straightforward.

I still have a lot to say but I'll end up here this long review. Queen In Hyun's Man is a must-watch. I was reluctant at first, and found myself totally grasped at the end of the first episode. Me, who never, absolutely never rewatch a drama, I already watched this one twice.

You like romance ? You like to smile and you're sick of complicated relationships ? You should watch this. This beautiful ovni.

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