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Alchemy of Souls korean drama review
Alchemy of Souls
23 people found this review helpful
by ColourMePurple
Aug 28, 2022
20 of 20 episodes seen
Overall 10
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10.0

The most incredible show of 2022

As of 28th August 2022, I have never been this excited to watch a show and waited with bated breath for each episode. The hardest part was the 2 week gap when I started rewatching the episodes from the start in case I missed anything as well as got my friends to watch it just to be able to discuss it with them. That's how much I loved Alchemy Of Souls. I can tell you that it does not disappoint.

The original plot summary was confusing so I would describe it as follows. In a fictional country of Daeho, there are mages calpable of manipulating the environment around them. Jang Uk is one who has been forbidden by his father to learn spells. He has been seeking a master who is willing to teach him but none are willing to disobey his father's wishes. Naksu is a powerful female assassin. Due to a spell called the alchemy of souls she switches bodies in an attempt to escape harm. Fate brings Naksu and Jang Uk together. Will she take him on as her pupil?

The Alchemy Of Souls starts with a bang. The intro of Naksu and her skills is depicted in a breath taking manner. We are also introduced to the magic and power of the mages and their wondrous world.

The story also builds upon the cards Jang Uk has been dealt with and his character.

The bonding of Naksu as Mudeok (as she is known after switching bodies) and Jang Uk is the heart of this series. Their firey personalities bring moments of comedy and delight.

We are also introduced to a second lead, Seo Yul, another powerful mage and friend of Jang Uk. He gives such sweet vibes but he will not hesitate to kill an enemy with a swing of his swords.

The crown prince Go Won has one of the best character developments on this show. He is not what you may expect from a character in dramas usually which is why it makes it so wonderful seeing him.

Some of the other amazing characters are Master Lee who adds a new dimension to the story, Maidservant Kim who brings a loving touch to the story and the two along Park Jin bring a lot of the lighter and comedic moments to life.

The entire casting has been praise-worthy with each character bringing the mystery, intrigue and excitement to the show. You will feel all sorts of emotions that you did not expect as you embark on this journey.

The sword fighting with magic inbued into the swords brings something unique to this fantasy drama set in historical setting so do not be put off by this genre and allow it to blow you away!

Even though this is not the end and there is still a second season (or second part) to complete the story, the direction the show is headed can only get better. I will be watching will high expectations and I hope more will join. Start the series and most likely you will be aching for more before you know it.
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