The History of a Drama Addict Year Thirteen (In which there have been ups and downs and drama watching didn't commence until the latter half…
The History of a Drama Addict Year Twelve (In which life and the world seem to be on a more even keel and my love for dramas comes roaring back…
The History of a Drama Addict Year Eleven (In which we pretend this year didn't happen and ignore the fact that no dramas were watched.)
The History of a Drama Addict Year Ten (In which a pandemic entered stage left, the whole world went bonkers, and only two dramas were watched.)
The History of A Drama Addict Year Nine. (In which I started to lose my love of watching dramas. Addict status in danger of being revoked.)
The History of A Drama Addict Year Eight. (In which my real life is mostly back on track and drama watching has resumed.)
The History of A Drama Addict Year Seven. (In which my real life imploded with a catastrophic boom and my drama watching desire nearly burned…
The History of A Drama Addict Year Six (In which life and all its crazy happenings evened out somewhat and drama watching picked back up.)
The History of A Drama Addict Year Five (In which something life altering happened and my family and I just tried to muddle through while drama…
The History of A Drama Addict Year Four (In which my job was hectic and drama watching time was seriously impeded.)
The History of A Drama Addict Year Three (In which the drama watching train steams merrily onwards.)
The History of A Drama Addict Year Two (In which I failed to sway any of my friends to the drama side but accidentally hooked my mom and dad.)
The History of A Drama Addict Year One (In which I stumbled upon a K-drama by pure happenstance one late October evening and was instantly hooked.)