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Daring To Dream


Daring To Dream

Choco Milk Shake korean drama review
Ongoing 10/11
Choco Milk Shake
2 people found this review helpful
by Daring To Dream
Dec 20, 2022
10 of 11 episodes seen
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

Cat and Dog return to Owner- will there be true love?

A pretty outlandish premise that is simple but well executed. The acting coach and director have brought out some nice performances from the cast. The actors playing the Cat and the Dog are convincing in their behaviors and mannerisms.
The question of what would happen if your pets came back as extremely attractive humans is entertainingly played out.
Will there be true love, brotherly affection or heartbreak?
Strongberry productions are seemingly always high quality. This is no exception.
I encourage you to watch the first four short episodes and you will almost certainly want to continue the journey to the last episode. The tenth episode felt like a fitting ending- so I hope the 11th (added?) episode won't veer off from what came before.
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