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Song of the Bandits korean drama review
Song of the Bandits
0 people found this review helpful
by EvicaN
Sep 28, 2023
9 of 9 episodes seen
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

A Masterpiece of 2023

I was really looking forward to this production, it was absolutely worth it!!!!
For me, this show was the best of this year, despite the fact that 2023 is not over yet. The script, the photography, the action-packed scenes all stand out in the production. They weren't afraid to show the potentially disturbing, bloody scenes, they brought everything to the screen as it suits its genre. I really liked the historical background on which the story is based.

In reality, this period certainly didn't have many refreshing moments, but this series still managed to offset the many tragic, sad, and unfair events with a little humor and the right amount of romance. The show contained minimal clichés. The action scenes were very well executed and the actors and actresses formed their characters very well. I couldn't name an actress/actor who played her/his role badly or didn't fit her/his role. Caracter of Eon Nyeon Yi and the actress who plays her Lee Ho Jung, who would definitely be highlighted and is a real gem of the show, but Kim Nam Gil,
Yoo Jae Myung, Lee Hyun Wook and Lee Hyun Wook also provided an excellent work with many memorable moments. Overall everyone did a good job without exception.
In my opinion the story could have lasted more than the nine episodes, I'm sorry that it was shortened so much compared to the original plan, apart from a few clichés, this is the only negative thing about the production for me.

I know, few people like the western genre, but I strongly recommend them to watch it, because despite the show's genre, it offers a very special experience. What I would definitely mention and highlight is the music, which is a hit, perfectly helping to make the whole show even more effective and memorable.
Perfect OST, great acting and direction. I am so grateful to the whole staff and and all of the castmembers for this show!!!!!

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