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Click on posters/gifs/lyrics/words for its source. Translation to the lyrics below: "The future's not going anywhere, not until I let go." Mood watcher, binge watcher, high rater and a feed lurker. Feel free to send me a friend request but I don't accept any PMs. "Pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off of you.” A river cuts through rock, not by force, but by persistence. Last edited on: 31.12.2023.
"미래는 도망가지 않아 내가 놓기 전까지 "
- thriller, mystery, action, law
- apocalypse, mentor-mentee
- time-travel, family, hidden identity
- character development, political
- enemies to lovers trope
- psychological/death games
| favourite:
- actors and actresses
Computer Science and Commerce student
here with a great interest in
everything, especially kdramas. ENTJ. |
— The sun sets to rise again; endings are beginnings in disguise :)