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The Eighth Sense korean drama review
The Eighth Sense
1 people found this review helpful
by HappyRabbit
Aug 6, 2023
10 of 10 episodes seen
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
This review may contain spoilers

Why the forced ending? This is not a Disney movie!

Everything was unexpected from a Korean BL. There were no clique k-drama scenes, only well crafted scenes. The plot is good, although it would have been nice to include more of Jaewon’s father to fully understand his situation.

The chemistry is on fire, and both leads did very well in the acting aspect. I'm also fond of the characters. They were all unique (Joon Pyo, Aeri and Yoon Won are so cute).
There were some interesting camera-works, where they played around with reflection, angles and blur which was very fun to see. The quality of the clips were also very good, despite the questionable editing here and there.

Now this is going to be a long one, but it's worth mentioning, so please bear with me:

One of the few things I really disliked, was the way they forced the “happy ending” at the end. It’s ok to leave some fights unsolved if someone did something unforgivable.
Throughout the series, it was always brought up that Jaewon hides his true feelings and tends to play the good guy. In the end he apologised to all the people who did him dirty, and this really weakens his character development.
I admire that the creators resisted the urge to add too many unrealistic scenes, but nevertheless I think that Jaewon deserves to know the truth. If he knew what Eunji and the boys of the surfing club put Jihyun through, would he still say sorry and act nice towards them?
I also don’t think that Taehyung should be considered a “friend” of Jaewon. Jaewon mentioned at the end how he admired the way Taehyung treated everyone equally, and I really disagree with that statement. There is a difference between treating people as equals and bringing people down simply because of jealousy. He verbally abused Jaewon throughout the entire series and said incredibly insensitive things about his family and private life. He also asked Jaewon if he felt sorry about punching him, as if all the horrible things he said to Jaewon were equal to a well deserved punch after he yet again said something insensitive about Jihyun’s near-death experience. Honestly, what a jerk.

But despite this, it's still a really good series that's worth the watch!
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