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2 people found this review helpful
26 days ago
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
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OhmLeng Stole My Whole Heart!


First off I want say that Ohm and Leng have amazing Chemistry, they have so much love for each other and it really translates very well onto screen. It breaks my heart that so many people with closed minds refused to watch it or gave up on it too quickly.

The story had some flaws obviously but they weren't anything drastic. This series wasn't out to win awards, it was out to debut their new Partnership with love and it delivered. In my opinion they have such amazing Chemistry and were so fantastic in their intimacy that they even outdid other ships that have been together for much longer and have more series than them. That's how amazing OhmLeng was together.

This series was a very lovely watch.
A story that starts with A Kidnapping due to financial burden and familial struggle, but turns into a romance and found family story? I didn't expect to love a series with a plot like that that but here we are.

Min is honestly such a soft boy with a huge heart that always puts others above himself and Q is a sweet damaged baby that needs all the love in the world.
This series had a little bit of everything, Action scenes, A Loving Romance, Found Family Trope, showing off the difficulties of a Glass Child and Parental Trauma.

Ohm as always puts on a great performance, I don't doubt him. After seeing multiple of his projects, I'm confident I'll always enjoy his performance in something. Lengso surprised me. Seeing that this was his leading debut, I was rooting for him and he truly surprised me. You can see that he tried his best and I believe his performance was very good. I hope to see him grow more in the future! They won my heart, I'm here and waiting for their next Project.

I'm going to close this off by saying exactly what I said in another review I did of a series that so many people refused to watch due to narrow mindedness, & Toxicity. Please give it a shot. Form your own opinion, don't let someone else's negative word of mouth stop you from trying it yourself, you might Love it! I definitely did.
Even if you don't love it, you might like it and that's enough!

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Long Time No See
2 people found this review helpful
Mar 14, 2024
5 of 5 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 8.0

Something Different and Great!

When's the last time the South Korean BL market made something like this? An Assassin love story!? I honestly can't think of another example. This series/film is a great example of what could be. I genuinely Love it. It was made in 2017, by a more indie studio and it came out so well. In the years since it's release Korean BL has been mostly consisted of one too many University or Office Romance stories And while many of them are good I have to admit it's plagued by only those. While Thailand and Taiwan for example branch out into other genres like Mafia and Assassin storylines, Korea is usually stuck in the same area of 2 University students, or 2 Office workers or even another common one, Cooking Romance. That's not to belittle them. I just wish they'd branch out more.
This film is a great watch. The action scenes are really nice to see. The lead actors Actually have Chemistry & Intimacy during their romance scenes which is still something we struggle to see with many Korean BL actors who feel like they genuinely don't want to be kissing their costars. If you're like me and enjoy seeing things with action and spice then this is for you.

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Be My Favorite
2 people found this review helpful
Oct 24, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
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Gawin is a Leading Man!

I think I along with everyone else who saw It at the time were shocked by the announcement that Fluke Gawin Caskey was going to be a lead in a new BL with none other than Krist Perwat. Now I had no prior experience with Krist, as I have not seen SOTUS yet but when I saw Gawin, of course I was instantly on the bandwagon to watch.
I mean after all I am a Gawin FANATIC. He's one of my top 5 Favorites ever duh! After Dark Blue Kiss, Enchanté and NOT ME, I was hooked. I could see his star power and I was waiting until we got to see him again.
So I went into this series completely unaware of what it was going to be about or who was in the cast, I genuinely went into it blindly because of my love for one of the leads, and I have to say, I wouldn't have it any other way. I got to experience every emotion to the fullest. And let me tell you this series was amazing. I am genuinely upset that it hasn't received the attention and recognition that it definitely deserves.
This series genuinely impressed me a lot. I mean speaking about Gawin alone, this is a complete turn around from his other characters. We got to see him play one of the biggest and cutest green flag characters I've ever seen. In his other roles he's more gruff and more intense. (Excluding Enchanté) More of a fighter and survivor. Here we got to see him play the role of the cute, clingy, ball of fun but who still has great opinions and values, and speaks up vocally about what's right and wrong. Willingly pushing away and separating from toxic people. As He Should like the king he is!
Like I said above I had no prior experience with Krist so I genuinely went into his acting blindly. And I gotta say he was amazing. Krist is the main character so we spent most of the time with him going through his journey.
We get to see Kawi struggle, hurt, learn, accept and evolve throughout the series and it's a beautifully painful ride. The show's themes highlight living life the best and most authentic way you can. We get to see Regrets, Personal Growth and Authentic Love.
And don't even get me started in the amazing supporting cast of characters like Pear and Max who were wonderful friends, played by none other than the absolutely Beautiful Aye Sarunchana and the adorkable Aou Thanaboon.
I can't praise it enough. If you haven't yet, or you're not sure you should please please, check it out. Do it for Gawin at least 🩷

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3 Will Be Free
1 people found this review helpful
Oct 24, 2023
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
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Find Your Chosen Family!

This series is a perfect example of an underrated gem that was ahead of its time in my opinion.
Had 3 Will Be Free been made in 2022 or 2023 I feel that they could've made it longer and more fleshed out.
However the show as is, stands amazingly.
Let's start with my favorite aspect of the show, the fact that P' Jennie plays a major character in the show.
We got to see a full fleshed out character with aspirations and who wasn't’ the butt of the joke. One of my biggest issues with Trans characters in BL has always been how they're supposed to be comedic relief, who more often than not they expect you to laugh at. Jennie did a really good job showcasing this and I was so appreciative of the emotions and the depth she gave this character Mae.

I showed up to this drama to see a polyamorous relationship and I got a polyamorous relationship. This was a genuine relationship between a bisexual man, a straight woman, and a gay man. Neo asserted that he loved both Shin and Mew, equally and at the same time. I liked this, I liked how the relationships progressed. I liked that he was able to express how each relationship was different, but he was still getting exactly what it is that he needed. And at the same time seeing Miw and Shin form their own bond and connection while they both loved the same man who loved them. When people hear of an open or polyamorous relationship, they think that it’s cheating or that one person isn’t enough, but that isn’t the case at all and I think this drama did a good job at not cheapening it in such a way. Joss as Neo was great. He played the role of the Bisexual Polyamorous Protector so well that he remains one of my favorite characters to date. (This role is exactly why I have faith in Joss for his upcoming role in My Golden Blood where he'll be playing a Vampire that protects his lover.)
Tay as Shin the sensitive but strong willed artist is my Favorite Tay Tawan character. Now don't get me wrong I LOVE Pete from Dark Blue Kiss but I gotta go with Shin, he was such a sweet angel who deserved the whole world.
And lastly miss Mild as Miw rounded out our trio as the Small but Loud mouthed tough girl who would cut you but if she cared about you, she'd cut For you.
Honestly this Trio gave me life. I'm a sucker for the concept of Chosen family. I dream to have my own one day and seeing positive representations of it on screen brings me so much joy.

Love Whoever and However Many You Want, Respectfully!

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Love Is Science?
1 people found this review helpful
Jul 15, 2023
18 of 18 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 5.5
Rewatch Value 6.0
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It's A Good Watch In My Opinion.

I REALLY enjoyed this show. There so much diversity. A hetero age gap relationship. A BL couple where one was openly gay and the other discovered his Bisexuality. And even though she didn't get much screen time for her own story, unfortunately, they included a Lesbian character. I liked pretty much the entire cast of characters and actors. So much of the dialogue was great as well. Very well Spoken and written.
Could certain things have been better? Yes. I wish the queer characters got more screen time. Especially the Lesbian character. She deserved more plot development. But overall the show was a super fun watch that I finished in a day and a half.
My favorite thing about the show was that later in the series Mark, Ou Wen and Joanna ended up representing the concept of a chosen family. I Love that so much. It's beautiful to see, especially since Asian countries Tend to be more conservative and restrictive.

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Don't Say No: Special Episode
0 people found this review helpful
Feb 18, 2024
1 of 1 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 3.0

The Betrayal!

If you simply want to watch just to have more of the actors JaFirst on your screen then yeah this is a nice bonus. I enjoyed seeing more of them.
However if you're anything like me who fell in love with the side couple LeonPob played by SmartJames then this is just a slap in the face.
They Literally had like 5 minutes of screentime, and they spent that entire time Missing each other at every chance until the episode ended. They never got to reunite. After the heartbreaking ending we're got for their story, they give us this? It felt like a slap in the face to LeinPob fans.

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0 people found this review helpful
Oct 24, 2023
13 of 13 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
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Romantically Epic is all that can be said!

This Jewel deserves all the praise and I'm going to give it💎

The second TV Thunder Productions BL after Manner Of Death. I gotta hand it to them they don't make many but the ones they do make are just so top tier. I mean I don't know about you but for me peak romance is when you have to live the same tragedy over and over on a loop and you push through the despair and weariness in order to save the life of a young man you've developed feelings for through countless iterations of the same few days.
The trauma of you promising him that as long as he's with you, he'll be safe because you won't let anything happen to him. And when you finally accomplish that goal of saving his life and ending the cursed loop in order for him to be able to live, as his new evolved self, you're life is taken. So he now chooses to pick himself up and march forward to beg an angel to rip open the seams of time to do whatever is necessary for you to return to life because he would rather be the one to die after all then to not have you exist in the world.

I love series' like these because of the extenuating circumstances the characters have to go through while trying to be together compared to the other genres like Office, University, or Cooking for example.
Even compared to Most of the Crime/Mafia ones where the characters face life threatening situations almost constantly as they navigate relationships, none of the others reach the same level as TinTol who literally face the forces of Time and Death, multiple times and still manage to come out on the other side together.

Romantically Epic, that's all that can be said 💗

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HIStory: My Hero
0 people found this review helpful
Jul 16, 2023
4 of 4 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 6.0

My Personal Favorite of HIStory 1

Out of of the 3 HIStory 1 episodes this one was my most liked. The second episode "Stay Away From Me" Felt lackluster, and the 3rd episode "Obsessed" felt too extreme in certain aspects. This one was shockingly more grounded than the other 2 IN MY OPINION.

I admit that the HIStory series has come A Long way since Season 1, and improved in almost every aspect, so to compare it wouldn't exactly be fair.

I'll stick to what's good about it. This episode is silly and goofy. It's supposed to be kind of comedic and a little bit dramatic. It's not a story that'll have you using much brain power or emotional drainage. It's simple and fun if you let it be. Aaron Lai, the man who played Hero was a fantastic choice. He became my very first Crush from a long list of the HIStory actors that I now adore. The Casting people never fail let me tell you. They know how to pick them.
Could it have been better? Yes. But I have to assume that because this was the very start of the HIStory Franchise in 2017, they didn't have the same exact resources they do now so It's fair to be lenient. If you decide to watch it, have a few laughs, swoon over Aaron and then keep it moving.
I'm glad I saw this series in order, I got to experience it's progression and develop crushes on so many fine actors.
I got to see Aaron here and then Later in another, Larger BL role. Seeing him progress makes me so happy.

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Oh! My Sunshine Night
0 people found this review helpful
Jul 7, 2023
18 of 18 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 6.0

This was more of A Telenovela or Soap Opera than usual BL drama.

So I'm a pretty big OhmFluke Fan. I've seen all of their main content together, this was the only remaining project of theirs I had yet to watch. I finally got around to checking it and saw how poorly reviewed it was, way more than positive reviews. However that's never stopped me from checking things out on my own, opinions exist for a reason anyway. You should always form your own.

After the first like 3 Episodes I kind of figured that this was more of a Soap Opera style Formula, not the usual BL drama series that most of us are used to. Figuring that out is why I was way more understanding and lenient than I normal would be when something is So LONG and drawn out. I gave it a chance for the obvious reason. I love OhmFluke. And while yes it was slow and clunky and at times had me giving bombastic side eye, I let most of those moments slide. If you're someone who grew up watching Spanish Telenovelas like I did, you would know those shows are always chaotic and ridiculous and melodramatic, they don't always make sense and that's okay. It's meant to be silly and over the top most of the time.

Basically the good relies on OhmFluke being good at what they do, some of the other actors as well being likeable and eye candy, such as the ones who play Payoo and Rain.
If you can be open minded, patient and lenient for certain things then this is actually not a bad watch. It can be at times.
I don't think you should let other peoples drastic reviews completely deter you. I saw people complaining about there being too many Plastic Plants, and Apples and other ridiculous reasons like that for hating on it, Feel free to try it yourself. I enjoyed it a pretty decent amount.
This is Still better than some other overrated ones that I shall not name for obvious reasons.


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