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Hospital Playlist Season 2 korean drama review
Hospital Playlist Season 2
0 people found this review helpful
by Hovaxu
Sep 24, 2021
12 of 12 episodes seen
Overall 10
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 10.0

A complete package of perfect production, good acting and good story.

HP2 again never fails me.
The story continues with the lives of five friends from college to their workplacr and the people surrounding them.
All five characters Ik Jun, Jun Wan, Song Hwa, Jeong-won, Seok-Hyeong give me vibes of positive, fun and warm energy that I feel when I’m tired or sad, by just watching them, you just feel so much hopes and happiness.
What special about HP is they emphasize the humanity of profession rather than the life and death situation.
They treat their patient with sincerity and at the same time respect and understand the family member’s point of view which is very rare in medical dramas.
Music: I have nothing more to say, each episode is rewarded with true, authentic performance from the main leads that make you feel like you are watching their lives performances
It is proven that this drama is made with high quality production.

Acting wise: they make you feel like you are enjoying and witnessing their daily personal life instead of watching them acting. Everything blends naturally.

I would totally recommend this and this forever will be on my rewatch list.
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