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Another Miss Oh korean drama review
Another Miss Oh
0 people found this review helpful
by HyunBinismy2ndhusband
Jan 24, 2021
18 of 18 episodes seen
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
This review may contain spoilers


I’m not even finished watching this drama but I feel the need to review. To date, I have just begun ep 12 and am way too emotionally invested in the characters and storyline. Firstly, I absolutely love this drama. At this point, if I see “Studio Dragon” in the opening credits, I know I’m in for a great experience. I have not been disappointed with anything that’s come out of there yet. Secondly, I am Team Taejin all the way. Don’t get me wrong; I like Do-Kyeong but not nearly as much as Taejin. What Do-kyeong did was already foul but once he found out the truth and didn’t tell “ordinary” Oh Hae Young, it became unforgivable. Taejin’s breakdown rage scene in his car was me by the end of ep 11. This drama has my blood pressure UP! I am so over Ordinary Hae Young’s absolute dehydration for attention and expectations of very specific responses from Do-keyong. She’s the kind of person who plays scenarios in her mind and if real life doesn’t go as she planned, she gets mad. I can’t with her. Thirdly, I am not feeling “Pretty” Oh Hae Young or her fan club. Good Lord! Her fan club is so extra. Pretty OHY just needs to let it go! The entire ending of Pretty OHY and Do-kyeong’s relationship is completely messy and both of them are dead wrong with how they handled it. Dead wrong. Both of them. Equally. I said what I said. Lastly, like most dramas, I can predict how this one will end but I just wish it to be otherwise. Time to get back to the show. #TeamTaejin

**Post completion edit: **
The leads:
‘Twas a struggle making it to the end of this drama because by episode 14, I was completely over Ordinary Hae Young’s childish and whiny personality. Every 5 minutes, she’s crying over something stupid and her inferiority complex makes her insufferable. Instead of a 32 year old woman, she acts like a 14 year old girl who has her first boyfriend. It’s not cute. I also feel like the marriage business was rushed. Hae Young is way too mentally immature to marry anyone. It got to the point where, the more I hated Hae Young, the more I liked Do-kyeong. Every time I saw her, I scowled, and every time I saw him, I smiled. I hated Hae Young almost as much as the MIL in Something in the Rain.

The others:
I really liked Soo-kyeong and Jin-sang’s relationship until it became rushed after “the night”. It was way too inorganic for my liking. Overall, still a great drama but the last 7 episodes were rough for me.
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