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Dropped 3/12
My Love Mix-Up!
13 people found this review helpful
Jun 16, 2024
3 of 12 episodes seen
Dropped 1
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 3.5
Rewatch Value 1.5

It's A No From Me

I realize this is adapted from the manga, and not the Japanese series Kieta Hatsukoi. That being said isn't Kieta Hatsukoi also an adaptation from the manga.

My understanding is gmmtv is adapting 9 volumes of the manga but if what I saw in Episode 3 is from the manga I can see why Japan left it out.

Why would Mudmee (Hashimoto) be coaching Atom (Aoki) on how to win a man when all she's doing is writing that man's name on an eraser.

Hashimoto and Aoki were adorable and wonderful because they were so inept in the romance department. They provided one another comfort and friendship and bounced ideas off of one another and supported each other. They were best friends once Aoki realized she would never love him and Aoki realized Ida was his love.
So in conclusion I think gmmtv did what it does best in it's remakes. That is cast a popular pair that has amassed a large fan base that supports them no matter what allowing them to serve "questionable" script that will be accepted without question because it's Gemini and Fourth.
I will not argue my opinion because that's all it is, is my opinion.

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Dropped 2/12
Cherry Magic
5 people found this review helpful
Jan 20, 2024
2 of 12 episodes seen
Dropped 1
Overall 7.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

GMMTV Dropped The Ball and I'm over it

First off I adore TAYNEW and was thrilled they were returning in another BL especially something so iconic as Cherry Magic. I loved Kurosawa and Adachi in the Japanese Version. Even though its TAYNEW I dont think they can redo it better but they can make it more suitable for them.

However after 2 episodes aired on GMMTV YOUTUBE CHANNEL it was pulled due to copyright issues so i have dropped this series even if somehow it is re-released in the states I will never watch this.

GMMTV is to blame entirely. They are an established production company and they should have known they didn't have the rights to air this series outside of Thailand.
Yes I realize it can be watched with a VPN but why should anyone have to. Because GMMTV messed up.
Are we in for same for their other Japanese Adaptations (OSSAN'S LOVE with Earth Mix) or( MY LOVE MIX UP with Gemini Fourth)

Apologies from GMMTV ring a bit hollow since as a company that's been around and produced so many series (many of them BL) should have been more diligent before even airing this series

So I'll stick to the original Cherry Magic and the recently released Anime Version from Japan. So yet another Thai Adaptation of an established series falls short because a production company that failed to cross all it's T's and dot all of it's i's.

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Dropped 2/12
2 Moons: The Ambassador
1 people found this review helpful
Feb 5, 2023
2 of 12 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 2.5
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 2.0
Music 5.5
Rewatch Value 1.0


I realize people hate Motive Village and with good reason but it seems like even Motive Village didn't care. The casting is straight out of the twilight zone. I mean seriously they went from God to Ben to Hue. Ben and God were hotties. Hue not so much. I mean hes not ugly but he's not on the same wave length of God or Ben. The over sized clothes and his acting is like 10 steps back. His chemistry with Park as tall Wayo was on a scale of 1 to 10 was non existent. As for Eiffel he is cute but his acting was blah. And the directors or whomever knew it because they depended on his only strong suit which was his body. The Kit recast ( nevermind none of them is worth mentioning)

Danny is cute ish. I mean he's plain white bread with a sad sack woe is me look and slew footed elephant please don't make him run on camera again. As for his chemistry with Lom...apparently several liked it but to me it was lazy casting all around. MV going for another money grab because people are willing to watch anything BL just about.
Definitely should have let the original characters go as you did them a disservice and went with Tatch and Lom as a stand alone. They weren't my cup of tea but this is some Love By Chance 2 bull crap. The friendship between Wayo and Ming was strong in the first 2 Moons series yet here it seemed dropped all together.
Beam was a little hottie but he looked too immature in comparison to the other 2 Beam's.
I'm glad for the people that liked it but when you create a series with constant recasts the least you could do is keep the integrity of what you created throughout and people can recognize the existing characters.

This pissed me off like Love By Chance 2 when MAME chose to rewrite the Tin & Can story while simultaneously having Ae continue the first story to convey his lost of Pete. As a writer or as a production company that's a slap in the face of fans who followed the original story and want a continuation as opposed to a new view of characters we know and and grew to love instead of changing parts. Thats like an artist dousing a masterpiece in black ink. Want to create something new. By all means do it without destroying what you already created. But it's up to you. People like that will always find an audience.
This was definitely an ending but not a great one. But you know what they say opinions are like....and everybody has one

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Dropped 1/16
F4 Thailand: Boys Over Flowers
5 people found this review helpful
Mar 6, 2023
1 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.5
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Comparison Not Necessary

Not being a fan of BrightWin but being a huge fan of the story having seen them all and anime, against my best judgment I gave it try. Instant hate. I just don't like BrightWin or that ML girl.

I will say this. It's fine if you like this one for whatever reason but are comparisons necessary. Bright in my opinion is a horrible actor. He in no way out did any previous actor in this story not even the anime. Not Jerry Yan (Taiwan) Not Jun Matsumoto (Japan) Lee Min Ho (South Korea) or Dylan Wang (China)

Reviews are for your personal opinions and heres mines I agree with someone that reviewed this for IMBD this story was stunt casted with BrightWin due to their popularity. And thats my opinion.

Bright cant match any previous Domyouji from this series past for any reason. This is not the best version and normally I would not say that but since the consensus is that it is. I will say it isn't.
I have a huge respect for this story and all it's previous versions and the actors and actresses that breathe life into these characters.
That so many people felt the need to raise this version up by putting down the others. Shame on anyone who did that.
Yes you are entitled to your opinions and I am to.
In conclusion congratulations to all lead actors in all versions. All of your interpretation are appreciated and that includes Bright. I may not like him or Win. I definitely will not complete this series but apparently his performance touched many people.
I dont need to mention my favorite because all of them deserve credit for bringing this story to life.

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