A Crowd Of Three tells the story of two friends who, for different reasons, are drifting through life. They are both orphans; directionless, scarred by their pasts and unhappy w/their lot in life. This combination serves to make them both a bit volatile. The journey they set out on is where this story starts moving forward.
This movie is dark. While watching I felt the same emotions they did as their journey progressed. I was bored in points, sad, tense and wondering how and where it would end.
The acting was actually very solid. It is no secret I am a fan of Matsuda Shota. He does a wonderful job playing Kento who seems, on the surface, the calm and more sensible of the pair of boys. With his emotions being repressed and boiling under the surface like a dormant volcano. This guy can act. Kora Kengo who plays Jun as more frantic; all his emotions out there for you to see. And almost a relunctant follower who doesn't want to be left behind by the only friend he has. There were many points in this movie when I found them both hard to like.
The plot is a bit wanting. Their journey a bit abstract. The ending intense. I felt as if the writing was good but this movie has quite an "Indy film" feel and so an artistic angle sometimes negates exposition and a solid trajectory of story. This left me unsatisfied.
The music is forgettable but I don't think it was meant to be anything but background sound so I gave it a 6.
My rewatch value is low but I'm not going to express why as that might spoil a person interested in watching. If you are a fan of Shota, I say give it a try. Also, if you are a fan of gritty, independent films you may like this. I'm giving it a 7. Mostly for the two leads.
I stayed with this for the acting and for that I don't regret watching.
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