This might be the worst romance drama I have ever seen in my life..
First of all, let me make it clear, everything I'm gonna say is NOT towards the actors/actresses!!If I didn't read the webtoon beforehand I would have dropped this mess of a drama immediately.. Tbh I only keep watching till the end because of some actors/actresses. I don't have much to say/add anymore as I already expressed most of my concerns ( mostly about the main character) in my first review. And in general I just don't like how the story evolved throughout the show compared to the og, While I'm well aware that stories tend to get changed and adjusted a lot when it gets adapted into a drama/movie but they could have done a better job imo. It is just soo unenjoyable and not only is this a very poor adapation of a webtoon, but this also might be the worst romance drama I have ever seen in my life. So my advice would be to either read the webtoon OR watch the drama, not both, or else you could be very disappointed like me, or if you really wanna do both, go in with the mindset that they're very different and might not be what you've expected.
I guess how you percept it differs from person to person and it could also be just me, cuz everyone else seems to love it lol (which could also be cuz they didn't read the webtoon idk..) so please take everything I've said with a grain of salt, thanks! :)
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yumi's character is a bit problematic as of the latest episode (3). IMO!
first of all after reading the webtoon I was really looking forward to this series. I don't know if I'm the only one thinking that way, but right now I just feel like yumi's somewhat relatable & similar to how human’s are irl but also lowkey rude & unlikable (which is also understandable cuz they're testing her so much lmao), I kinda like her the least atm tbh (I mean her role as yumi & not the actress herself ofc) apart from ruby that little annoying shit hahaha, but everyone else is fine, I guess we’ll see how everything is gonna turn out cuz it’s still only the 3rd episode, everything can change in a matter of seconds in the future episodes~ ^^everything written above is just my opinion, so u have to watch it yourself to form an opinion :)
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