Both are excellent, bingable mini-dramas with a capable villain-heroine fighting against a pre-written story. The romance is also good and a big part of the plot. Night of Love With You is more comedy and Fortune Writer more dramatic than the other, but both have funny and dramatic moments. If you liked one, start watching the other now!

Almost the same setting: They were very much in love when they were young, then tragedies (and parents) separated them. When they meet again, she is divorced with teenage son and he in a new relationship. Both are slow-paced, realistic and beautiful dramas.

Both are romantic comedies about fictional worlds with villain ML. Both are also good quality mini-dramas. Personally I preferred NOLWY, but both are worth watching.

Both are miniseries with passion, plotting, tragedies, betrayals, sibling rivalry, fighting and a hot male lead.

Very similar storyline with an older boss lady who wants to marry a younger, gentle guy. Many other parts of the story are also the same, though many also different. Destined to Meet You is a minidrama and in the beginning more absurd, but also very funny.

Both are funny and entertaining romance minidramas with a supernatural twist. If you binged one you will probably binge the other one too!

Action and romance. A plot full of holes. Broodingly handsome super fighter male lead. Steamy kisses. If you liked one, you will most probably like the other.

Behind the scenes of the entertainment industry, dating in secret, fake relationships, trying to handle the public opinion, from bickering to love, giving one image outside while hiding one's true nature - all these themes are the same in both dramas, and I love to recommend one of my all time favorites, The Greatest Love, whenever I have a chance :)

The way the ML in You're Beautiful spoke reminded me a lot of the ML in The Greatest Love, the SML is also similar. Both are also about entertainment industry and faking/hiding relationships in front of the public. I did personally find TGL o lot better than YB. TGL is probably intended for more mature audience, YB for younger.

In both the seemingly player female lead hides her more vulnerable side, and the male lead has also been disappointed in love/women. The dramas deal with similar issues, while being very funny and interesting to watch. I binged both.

Both have similar comedy craziness and characters that pull a role to achieve their goal/revenge. Both are also underrated gems that deserve more views.

Similar love triangle, where a woman can't decide between someone who seems perfect and someone who she used to love. I preferred Jealousy Incarnate but both are worth watching.