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Little Mom Scandal korean drama review
Little Mom Scandal
2 people found this review helpful
by LMitsuki
Mar 26, 2013
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
I'm sorry but I just have to say ALLELUIA! I haven't watched a good kdrama for a long time... This one was so good, so real in every aspects, that I even mistook it as a jdrama at first(reading the synopsis). They were able to portray a lot of things in a real way, putting away the fantasy we're all used to see on most kdramas... as if everyone gets a happy ending, or their happenings get superficial. The story was the thing that caught my attention, but soon it became more than that. Every character has a story and that's very entertaining. The only thing I regret a bit is the fact that this title is 'Little Mom Scandals' but they barely focus on the girl who's really pregnant. As always, they drive away from the main subject. The cast was good, and it's a pity most of the actors are not known, or did any other drama work beside this one :/ I watched this on a break of study.. Going to watch the 2nd season soon. See you there :)
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