Where should i start? The whole story was so dispersed and non-sense. Let's start from the main lead yo jung. The only main lead whom i disliked and eventually hated from the very first episode to last. His personality was so disturbing and so problematic. I just hated him throughout and skipped his scenes. I just didn't want to see him anymore.
Baek in Ho was such a good character. His acting was awesome too. He was the kind of person who was so loveable but i don't understand the logic why he had to go through so much for no reason. He was enduring everything even his love like a one man army. He was a perfect person,friend and brother.
Baek In Ha's acting was just too good. I felt pity for both siblings. They were used by yo jung and his father and then thrown away like a tissue paper.
The most useless thing was their love story. I couldn't understand this love story tbh. The chemistry was so weak and i just couldn't get why they was LOVE out of nowhere. It felt like a forced and dragged lovestory. Hong seol kept on being with him even after his wrong doings and she was like i get you why you did that don't worry. Like what the hell. Honestly i wanted seol to be with baek in ho.
Lastly, the story was so dispersed that i wasn't able to get what was the story actually and why there was baek in ho actually and why he had to go through so much. I don't recommend it to anyone. It's just waste of time and mood
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This drama was quite emotional from the start. Story seemed really interesting and i thoroughly enjoyed watching the starting episodes but then it lost taste. Things seemed scattered. Nothing seemed to be on point but felt like the story is being dragged.What was the fault of oh so aah? saeroyi gave her hope for 15 years and then what happened? His heart changed. Yi seo was the most heartless and inconsiderate person. Nothing good came from her mouth. Her personality was so annoying. She destroyed the life of guen-soo and wasn't even ashamed for it. Now the revenge part. I couldn't see any revenge by saeroyi. Everything kept repeating. He knelt before jang dae hee, he was again a victim of hit and run, he was powerless at the end. So Aah did everything and eventually it benefited saeroyi.
I felt bad for oh so aah all the time and was disgusted by the personality of yi seo. The story could have been better. The revenge could have been better. Guen-soo's character could be better.
Acting of park seo joon was way too good. His acting was mindblowing and i cried with him in the first two episodes.
I hope others think like that too.
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