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Rak Diao thai drama review
Rak Diao
4 people found this review helpful
by LightHouse74
May 17, 2022
15 of 15 episodes seen
Overall 6.0
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Watch with Low Expectations

I give them kudos for trying something different. This series was ok, but it could have been a lot better. I think the BL sitcom concept is interesting. Unfortunately, this series did not execute it very well. I kept watching it because I like the characters and hoped the writing would get better.

The positive: The cast is great and their acting was awesome. They did a great job considering what they had to work with. The one good aspect of the script is it makes you care about most of the characters. The scenes involving Pleng’s imagination was great and found myself waiting each week for them. The theme song is very catchy. I wish the MV had subtitles. The series also had great sets.

The negative: The script is not the greatest. It took me awhile to figure out why many of the episodes seemed off to me. The reason is many of the scenarios that they place Rak and Diao in are the usual ones you would see in a regular dramatical series which does not work in a sitcom format. The scenarios also take away the BL enjoyable factor for me. The workplace jokes are over the top and are often very offensive. The jokes remind me of bad 70’s/80’s American sitcoms. There are also some running themes that became very annoying after a while. The very ending of the last episode was cute, but anticlimactic. It was done in the hopes of a possible 2nd season. As for production, the laugh track is annoying. They placed it in random spots that don’t fit in. There is also an overuse of sound effects. Using both in a series does not make it a sitcom. The content of the script also has to match the sitcom concept which this series fails to do.

Random Note:
The subtitle timing can be off-track. It’s either too slow or too fast at times. Some of them also include the timing notes for the subtitles.
If there is going to be a 2nd season, I’m not sure I will watch it. My wish list is that they keep the cast and set, but use a different screenwriter.
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