I have watched so many dramas which had a really strong beginning but all went to disappointment. Not this one! It won't dissapoint you until the very end :)
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This drama was absolutely thrilling, every minute of it! The cast, the plot, each cold case. So worth it to watch, however SPOILER
for the last 2 episodes or so, the flashbacks were a bit long and annoying because they were already shown several times in earlier episodes. And the Jae Han was too heroic, he became an idiot... For some parts it was unclear why did he do things the way he did, but no drama is perfect so it is acceptable I guess. The ending though, I liked and disliked it at the same time, I mean why did he have to hide in a hospital for 15 years, he didnt seem to be disabled or anything like that. Would have bee perfect if they explained everything at the end.
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