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King the Land korean drama review
Ongoing 13/16
King the Land
39 people found this review helpful
by Louisea
Jul 30, 2023
13 of 16 episodes seen
Ongoing 6
Overall 1.0
Story 1.5
Acting/Cast 4.0
Music 2.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Same old soup

Same old soup in Asian dramas romance : He's rich, she's poor, daddy doesn't want him to marry anyone than the one he chose, sister's a bitch. How boring
Nothing new but old same crap with actors who show no emotions.

At least the Koreans girls don't have that stupid childish voice like in Chinese dramas.

Yes I'm going to watch until the end. That's what I always do when I start a movie/serie, even if it's stupid, just to see how it'll end.

What a bore.

If you are not fed up to watch the same series with the same stories, go ahead.

I wish someone would have written this before so I don't end up writing it myself.
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