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Loving The Drama

Loving The Drama

Still 2gether thai drama review
Still 2gether
9 people found this review helpful
by Loving The Drama
Oct 14, 2020
5 of 5 episodes seen
Overall 9.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

Did not disappoint at all.

After having finished 2gether and absolutely loving it (I was one of the people who was actually not that disappointed by the lack of action) the expectations for this special were extremely high, and I was really unsure of whether or not it could live up to those expectations, since I usually don’t like second seasons or similar things for good Dramas, since most of the time the first season already delivered everything in itself and everything additional is not really necessary and doesn’t really add anything new. However, since the first season still left some points unsatisfied this Special definitely delivered.

The acting, same as in 2gether, was absolutely wonderful, especially on Bright’s part. I still find that Win’s acting seems a little over the top sometimes, but somehow it fits his character.
All the side characters were beautiful, as always. I may have even liked their performances a little more than I did in the first season.

Now story wise: since this is a special that is only a few episodes long, we can’t expect too much story to happen, so the plot of the show wasn’t really all that meaningful, however, it did a great job at giving us more insight into the main couples relationship, and it also did not fail to deliver those heart melting, at the verge of cringe, sweet moments that made me fall in love with the series in the first place (even without much action), in comparison to 2gether, the main couple did actually act like a couple, as compared to the bromance thing that was going on towards the end of 2gether. Funnily enough, since the first season was so sparse in skin-ship it actually felt kind of weird to see them engaging a little more at first.
I also loved how the side couples were further explored and built, since I really liked each one of them in the Series.
All in all this Special, for me, absolutely satisfied every open end or feeling of something missing the Series had left.
Another point I am happy about is that they let Tine be more proactive and actually partake in the relationship. To me 2gether seemed really one- sided , since Sarawat was always the one initiating, apologising, etc. Here the relationship seemed a lot more balanced.

If I had to PinPoint the points that made me not give it a full 10 it might be that there were some scenes that seemed a bit overly dramatic to me, giving the circumstances. Also that some of the plot just really didn’t speak all that much to me, but since it was all so short it didn’t really bother me too much.

So if you watched 2gether and loved it as much as I did, but were still unsatisfied with some points or just wanted to see more of all of the couples, definitely watch this special. The story isn’t all that compelling, but it does deliver those sweet moments, a little more action and ties up loose ends.

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