Just a girl who recently got into Asian drama........lie...a girl who recently returned to Asian Drama.
How I rate my dramas. I try to rate most in a positive light, hence i rate it backwards like this:
10/10 - Literally obsessed because it is so good! Practically perfect or I fully enjoyed it. Probably watched the series in a matter of 2-3 days.
9/10 - Amazing and enjoyed it thoroughly, may contain some minute flaws but overall still pretty awesome. Probably finished the drama within a week.
8/10 - Pretty good, usually reading or watching at a leisurely pace, 1-2 episodes a day. Not exactly obsessed though because there is usually an area in which it lacks in excitement.
7/10 - Contain some major flaws (usually in plot or acting), but I usually continue to watch it because other aspects JUST slightly override the flaws (usually music, pacing, editing etc.) - runs risk of being on hold or dropped.
Anything that is a 6 or below, runs high risk of being dropped.