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Snowie Moon


Snowie Moon

The Untamed chinese drama review
The Untamed
2 people found this review helpful
by Snowie Moon
Dec 27, 2023
50 of 50 episodes seen
Overall 10
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 10.0
This review may contain spoilers


Back in 2020, I watched The Untamed for the first time, it was great and interesting as a fan of both leads. But I missed a lot of the storyline because of the length ( I fast-forwarded it ). After some months, I kept seeing about the edits, plot-twists, and major spoilers, I was surprised, How did I miss those important facts?? I re-watched the drama for a few times and tried to understand that it was a MASTERPIECE. Not just a popular bromance drama but much more than that, the reality behind the fake masks of people, sibling bonds, friendships, brotherhood, and the judgemental society.

This was the first ever drama I rewatched, and it was absolutely worth it. The connections between plot to plot, the excitement of the thrilling journey, and the innocent-looking but actually the villains with the deepest secrets and darkest part. The acting was excellent, the storyline was impressive and the OSTs are masterpieces by themselves. And of course, I did enjoy the bromance between leads, and the portrayal of their tragic story was impressive.

Overall this drama is one of the very rare dramas without any cringe moments, useless characters or nonsense plot twist. Everything was perfectly amazing and will be in my heart forever :D
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