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Touch Your Heart korean drama review
Touch Your Heart
28 people found this review helpful
by MistyMaid
Apr 4, 2019
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 4.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 2.0
FIRST IMPRESSION: I was excited to see Lee Dong-Wook and Yoo In-Na acting together again, even better as leads! My first impression was that this was going to be another rom-com type of drama with a small dose of melo in it. I couldn't really make out what kind of direction the story would go on but then just thought that was a good thing because then maybe the story wouldn't turn out to be predictable. However, my hopes for this drama was not met.

STORY: Sorry, but what story? If you're talking about a story of two people falling in love then, yea, I guess it had a story. But other than that, there's not much else in this drama that would say there is a "plot" to it, unfortunately. In the beginning, I thought that it was just getting off to a slow kick that would eventually reveal more later, which can sometimes be a good thing because usually dramas like to reveal things as soon as they can to get the audience excited but I waited and waited until episode 9 where it showed a glimmer of something, but then.......well, I won't spoil anything so let's just leave it at that. Earlier, when I thought that not knowing the direction of how the drama was going to go ended up being exactly what the drama was about. Also, the second lead characters honestly felt pointless and added nothing to the drama except to pop into existence during certain moments to fulfill a certain purpose.

ACTING/CAST: I did have my apprehensions before the drama released because the acting rolse that Lee Dong-Wook and Yoo In-Na took on seemed like their typical chosen style of roles that they've done before in past dramas. Lee Dong-Wook seems to always take on the damaged , brooding, indifferent acting roles and Yoo In-Na is slowly drifting into taking on bright, happy-go-lucky, and sometimes a little ditzy roles. I think actors should expand upon their skills and try not to take on roles that veer in the same direction. I only say this because sometimes it will cement their paths ahead and eventually, they'll ONLY be offered roles that align as their past ones, limiting their chance to explore different roles and show the public their acting chops. I watched Goblin and I loved it! The story, the acting, the pacing! It was all spot on! I can see the potential for Lee Dong-Wook and Yoo In-Na, if only they tried to take different kinds of roles. I'd like to see Lee Dong-Wook as a villain one day because I think he'd do quite well as one and it would also be very interesting to watch. And I think Yoo In-Na would do well in a serious melodrama or a slice-of-life drama because she can bring about real moments that are believable.

MUSIC: Eh, nothing to complain about. Music is nothing special. Typical drama accompaniment music.

OVERALL: Overall, I was disappointed by this drama but more because of the lack of substance within the story plot than anything. It was almost frustrating to watch till the end because the lack of suspense, drama, or anything because the romance feel less than what it is. Because there was no pressure, no pushing, no sense of urgency it made the romance feel less alive. In the end, everything fell flat.
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