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My Purple Skies

My Purple Skies

Smile Code chinese drama review
Ongoing 25/34
Smile Code
0 people found this review helpful
by My Purple Skies
17 days ago
25 of 34 episodes seen
Overall 7.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 5.0

This drama is seriously underated

I am only 7 episodes in, but unless the ending in abysmal I don't understand why it's standing at a 7.8 overall at the time of this review

My face hurts from smiling so much it's adorable to the max!!!

I rarely finish C dramas because either right of the bat I realize it's dubbed and I can't watch anything with dubbed audio (I started watching the untamed and it wasn't until episode 15 that I realized that I had no idea what was going on, If the audio doesn't match the lip movement my brain checks out).Or I get really into them, but somewhere near the ending it gets draggy and repetitive and I completely lose interest.

coming back after 22 episodes watched I get why it's low rated, it's dragging a lot, and the stand up is soooo bad, I wish they had given her literally any other job that had to do with making people happy anything even birthday clown would've been better than these non-jokes. But aside from that I still plan to finish and still believe that the rating should be higher.

My expectations with this series started way too high, Knowing that I love the main actress so much I thought this was one of the few I would see through, but on episode 26 I no longer care about what is happening, I've skipped through so much and still have 9 episodes to go ughh I'm so disappointed, I am not going to drop though I'll put in on hold and may or may not come back some day to finish.
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