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Wonderland of Love chinese drama review
Wonderland of Love
1 people found this review helpful
by MySiFeng
Jun 16, 2024
40 of 40 episodes seen
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
This review may contain spoilers

while it’s a good show, something was lacking.

honestly don’t know what to expect after watching first 10 episodes of the show.

the plot is like moving from one “zhou” to another “zhou”. then there’s plot about the great imperial grandson which was there till mid way then it was forgotten until it popped up again after 3/4 of the show. then the rebellion between the sons, to be honest for them to come to this point, who started all this? if Cui Lin wasn’t so insistent of wanting Shiqi to be the CP, and wrote that request to the imperial court, these won’t escalate into such big tragedy.

shiqi’s life is hanging by the thread even if he didn’t become CP. and the worries he told Pei Yuan if he become one, it made sense. for Cui Lin, he’s the only one who can correct the weight from wrong and ensure peace. if she wants to be his Crown Princess, she jolly well know that her reputation can’t be as strong as Li family. and Cui Army’s disbandment is inevitable. this part could carry more emotional plot for both of them. but it just went off poof fast, and they reconciled. maybe I’m expecting too much.

I’m hoping for less angst for I started this show and while the show did less angst, overall, the show is not giving that punch.

I honestly don’t know what’s lacking in this show that prevented me enjoy it fully. I dozed off at some parts but I enjoy some parts too.

both main leads showcase their wits and intelligence, proving them to be equal. I’m glad that here their chemistry was quite strong. (having both equal characters can have issue showing chemistry)

ep30 was chaotic and escalated down fast and I broke down. it was one of best downfall scenes I’ve watched.

villains in this show aren’t worth mentioning.

acting wise, Jing tian was okay. Xu Kai was good. his crying scenes are good too. their banterings were entertaining.
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