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Bloody Romance
1 people found this review helpful
by Navi
Nov 8, 2023
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 6.0

Really good acting and music

Story: Especially at the beginning, some parts of the story are being thrown at you, but it does get better throughout. Honestly, some parts were confusing, mainly because they introduce characters by name before you see what the character looks like or their personality (but could also be translation errors). The dynamics between the characters are very well-written, and although some misunderstandings change the course of their relationship they end up working it out eventually. Also made me realize how psychologically torturing being an assassin is.

Acting: Exceptional especially for the antagonist and protagonist but honestly every actor/actress did amazing, including the parts where the characters are desperate and suffering. You can feel the emotion in their voice. Even when there isn't anything verbal going on. In particular, the main characters' facial expressions and how they move still give the scene weight to it.

Music: A lot of the OST music I would listen to on repeat, particularly the intro song. And I know a lot of people love it for the same reasons I do. It fits the relationships between the characters in the story and the cadence of the singer really describes the emotion of the song. They do milk it a lot in the episodes but it is a moving song so, it's not as annoying as you would think..

Rewatch: I generally don't rewatch shows unless they are amazing shows/mystery genre. I feel like this show is a one-and-done situation, but I did enjoy it while it lasted.

TLDR; Story is a bit confusing at first but it flows throughout the show. Acting is phenomenal and is amazing a portraying emotion even when they aren't talking. Music is beautiful and melancholy. Most likely won't rewatch it, but it was an interesting experience.

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1 people found this review helpful
by Navi
Oct 29, 2023
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0

Personally, not very picky about shows

Honestly at first, I was a bit skeptical because the plot summary makes the show sound a bit bland. But it was a lot different from the mystery genre I'm used to that includes a murder, and they try to figure out who did it etc. This one is very different and then the ending is very conclusive, although we never figure out why or how they got into the time loop.

For story: Like I said, it is very creative in how they tell a mystery using a time loop. It might sound repetitive, but every loop is a little bit different from the last when they get more information to figure out how to fix the time loop. It also involves a lot of perspective on the accused side of how they deal with things and process sticky situations. As for romance, it's a little slow but there are some bite-sized romance stuffed in there, and it's not overly dramatic/cheesy.

Acting: AMAZING!! The actors definitely know what they're doing and they portray every emotion and personality perfectly. I comment on the acting a lot for the episode reviews lol.

OST: I don't know why but I especially love the ending song because it kind of fits with the main characters' relationship but also the other relationship too (that you'll see if you watch this). The singer also did a phenomenal job of singing the emotions of the song.

Rewatch: Usually, I don't rewatch things unless they're really good but for mysteries I like to watch them again to see the little details I didn't catch the first time because I know what happens.
TL;DR Amazing show with a spin on the mystery genre with slow but sweet build-up of romance and the ending has good closure on all the characters that leaves a little bittersweet feeling when you watch a good show.

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The Imperial Coroner
0 people found this review helpful
by Navi
Nov 4, 2023
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Good drama with amazing characters and story

Production: For being low-cost I thought the costumes were well-made and high-quality, and I thought the outfits they wore looked cool. If they used wigs, it looked like they used a lot of hair gel, but the hairstyles were nice, and the makeup wasn't too over-the-top.
Story: I could tell the story was well thought out, and it requires a lot of piecing together to solve the mystery. I'm not big-brained enough to figure out who did what, but they explain the process after the big reveal. What I like the most about this series is the character dynamics; the main female lead is not helpless and plays a big part in actually helping the main male lead figure out the crime. When the characters get into misunderstandings, they are very mature about it and resolve it within the episode and aren't dramatic about it. The romance is a bit cheesy at times but it works somehow because the chemistry between the characters is adorable. The female leads work together and never get into big fights; the same thing is true for the male leads too. As far as I could tell, every episode had a purpose and there were no filler episodes. Each minute was used and none was wasted, which added to the suspense and substance of the story.
Acting: In the parts where the characters feel emotion, the actors portray it very well and their reactions make you feel things. Also, the chemistry between the actors is there. Especially the actor who played Jing Yi; I could tell he enjoyed playing that character and is low-key my favorite character because of his personality.
Music: There are some songs that I would listen to on repeat because the lyrics and the way they sing is expressive and sound good.
TL;DR Despite it being low-cost I think they did pretty well. The wardrobe and makeup were perfect. A fluid story with lots of stuff to piece together and excellent acting that fits each character. The music is expressive, and when they put it in the episodes are appropriate for the scene/context. Since the insurrectionist was someone I didn't expect, I wouldn't mind watching it again to see the little details I missed the first time, though I wouldn't go through that whole rollercoaster again if I wanted to.

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