Now I understand why this film marked the the fall in Kim Min Jong's acting career. In the merciless Korean society, this film was his downfall because he was never looked at the same way afterwards. Not because he didn't do a great job, not at all. The four leads' acting was superb in every way. But what would great acting do when the script is a total mess and the production is nonsensical?
As a fan of KMJ, I really got sick of all his gangster macho man image, but he did it well so I couldn't complain. But in this film they ruined all the good memories about his well-written characters. The characters here were poorly written. Their relationships with each other were loose and confusing. There is no story. No plot. Comedy out of place and not even funny. Silly production. Seriously, one of the hugest waste-of-talents film in the Korean film industry.
I did watch the two hours because Kim Min Jong and the other leads were really good at whatever their roles were supposed to be. And he was so beautiful. He just is so I finished it. Unfortunately I won't recommend it to anyone.
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