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He Is Psychometric korean drama review
He Is Psychometric
0 people found this review helpful
by Parthivi
Jul 19, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Overall 8.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 6.0

I wish I didn't feel so incomplete

Loved the story and acting, but I still have an unsatisfactory feeling by the end.

Ok so starting of, I would like to credit the writers for an extremely well written story. No last minute cut aways, everything made sense, if we watched till the end. The happy moments were happy, the side characters had an amazing character development, and the emotional moments really stood out during conflict scenes without seeming forced. The number of allegories, metaphors, that have been distributed in the show are tremendous. The mask poster, the two birds in a cage, the painting in Seung Mo's room, the little prince, the foreshadowing, the Red-Herrings, it's a whole package and gave the viewers enough to make their theories on their own.

Now talking about the show in the general which seems to a have split genre. The first half of the show is a regular, cutesy procedural drama, while on the other hand the second half takes a complete 180° Turn, going in a very dark storytelling and "Stranger/Secret Forest"-isk twist. I was not prepared for so much emotional trauma. The last 4 episodes are extremely heavy. Also I am extremely heartbroken because of the fate of a few characters. (Seung Mo and Ji Soo)

I would like to appreciate all the actors who have given such amazing performances in this show, especially Kim Kwan who played Seung Mo with so much intensity. Also a big appreciation to both the leads as first timers.

Would recommend this show to someone who is interested in Procedural drama or criminal psychology.

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